On the 21st of March 2011, Rainbow Music will release a musical instrument teaching system that could well re write the books and expand the consciousness and reportoire of even the most established musician.
An idea brought about the need of a friend's child who has Autism and the child's trouble with reading the traditional music sheets.
The system that has been developed beggars belief in its simplicty of presentation that will have such a thumping impact it will be fealt right across the planet.
I am going to show you a sneak peak at a wall poster that is part just part of a sensational educational package to be released to the public in just a couple of weeks.
I don't think the importance of this event can be understated!
There is enough here to whet interest I'd imagine, but may I suggest going to http://www.rainbowmusic.com.au/?ap_id=tooraktimes and leaving your email address and you will be one of the first to receive the news on the Equinox!
"I don't think the importance of this event can be understated!"
Big call Mick, what do you know about the promoters of the program..?
Big call, yeah I know, I haven't poked my head back into the music industry for a couple of decades, but I reckon I have paid my dues, and my xtians...
I know the person how envisaged the system well and it has been a long, underfunded dream come to reality.
This comes from a beautiful, soulful space...the intention is purely altruistic.
I have been banging on about the potential virality of this system espec. with apps, too perfect to be believed, and they want to give it away, given they basically cover their costs. The project desrves better return energy.
My personal opinion is that this type of energy should be showered with cash so their OTHER work can proceed.
The same bloke runs his whipper snipper and lawn mower on tap water, he has put Coke (and I expect Amatil to cough up!sic) in his car water fuel conversion thingamy and the car purred, he saves about 30% in the auto!!!
This is no three card trick.
Now I'll get dirty, throw out your fifths and fourths, itis all about 12ths now!!!
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